Use verification methods in order to block accounts with false information from being created.
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These features will not work, unless you activate the section. Use the 'checkbox' next to the section title, and then hit the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom to activate. 'These functions are currently resting in peace. Please use the checkbox for activation.' message confirms that no actual code is running in the background. Account Verification is designed to enhance the security and integrity of your website by blocking accounts with false information. Admins can skip verification for specific roles, set limits and time gaps for verification requests, and choose between email verification via link or code. Customize the activation code subject and message, and enable an activation timeframe to restrict when users can verify their email. The feature also supports automatic removal of unverified users, displaying a verified tag in the dashboard, and storing email history for security purposes. Additionally, admins can set timeframes during which blocked users can access the support page to request unban.
- Skip Verification for: Choose the roles you want to skip verification. By default admin role is included so you will not lock yourself out. In case this happens, the only way to regain access is to rename the plugin folder to trigger deactivation. Once you're back in, you'll be able set things properly.
- Support Type: This dropdown will allow you to switch between internal page or external link, hence the availability of the next option.
- Support Page Link: Chose a page or fill in a preferred link for external access.
- Verification Requests Limit: Set how many times an user is allowed to request the verification method.
- First Verification Time Gap (m): Set how much time the user has to wait until able to request first verification.
- Verification Time Gap (m): Set how much time the user has to wait until able to request more verifications.
- Email Verification Method: Chose how you want your users to verify their email address, through a link or a code. Additional instructions will be provided for an easy to finish process. The code method will require the user to fill in a form on the website.
- Activation Code Subject & Message: These options allows you to customize the messages your users will receive.
- Enable Activation Timeframe: Ticking this checbox will allow users to verify their email address only in the possible timeframe.
- Activation Timeframe (hours): Set for how many hours an user is allowed to verify account, until lockdown.
- Remove User if not Verified: This option will trigger automatic deletion of unverified users, after the activation timeframe.
- Display Verified Tag inside Dashboard: Displaying a Verified tag inside account area will let users know if they have to commit.
- Keep Email History: This feature will store all email changes for security purposes.
Reset Section Settings using the checkbox and Save Changes button in order to remove database entries.